Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fostering Student Motivation

hi everyone
as our assessed teaching has finished, GEÇMİŞ OLSUN everbody;) I think everybody tried to do the best teaching:)) Anyway, I won't talk about assessed. The thing which attracted my attention in my asessed teaching was that to motivate each learner throughout the whole lesson is really hard work for a teacher. As teachers, we cannot expect that each student in the class would be motivated all the time during the 40 minutes!!! So I have searched for some information about motivation issue. A small list has occured which includes some important clues for student motivation.I also added some of them from my own observation during my practice teaching:
  • choose topic from students' own life (real life situations)
  • praise whenever they achieve something
  • be a model for them as being enthusiastic and interested in learning
  • use humor
  • try to appeal to all intelligences througout the lesson
  • include novelty/variety materials
  • don't make your students sit and listen passively
  • use drama, games
  • allow students to create finished products
  • involve distracted students in the lesson by asking question which is simple for them to answer

what else can be added to this list? we shouldn't forget that students motivation is one of the most essentail issue to have effective teaching-learning atmosphere.Let's find another clues to motivate our students. Would you please add the other items which you know? What are the other items to be involved in this list?

1 comment:

Emel Karakuş said...

dear ilknur,
you are right, it is not an easy job to draw student attention onto the activities, tasks, exercises during a whole lesson.
I think we should pay attention to the level of the activities that we prepare for our students. Unfortunately, I made a mistake related to this issue in my assessed teaching:((