Every job requires dealing with somethings related to itself. For instance, an officer in a bank is engaged in money issues; an engineer works with measurement of places;a green-grocer sells fruit and vegetables... What about teachers??? Yes, students are the center of our job as teachers. But the different thing from the other jobs is that our center is HUMAN. In that sense, as teachers, we cannot just deal with them by just trying to teaching in the classroom. As the students are not machines but "human", we must take into considiration of their needs, interests, moods, social backgrounds because with the lack of knowledge about the students, we cannot have the comfortable atmosphere of teaching. As teachers, we should not forget that our students are not paper, not machine, not computer but only HUMAN. With this view, I want to share my imagination that I see teachers like "gardener" who wants to grow flowers so s/he has the knowledge abot the flowers such as which place they like, how much water they need, when and how they bloom. So "teacher" means "gardener" to me. What about you?? Which occupation are teachers like for you? What does "teacher" mean to you?Let's find metaphors for "being a teacher" all together;))